
Monday, 30 November 2015

Right leads and roller coasters

A few days ago....

(November 25)

Lesson day!

Athena has a deep set desire to not take a right lead, so we did a little exercise at the beginning of the lesson to encourage a right lead.  It was a game of follow the leader with another rider who was present.  It was very simple, keep close and stay behind.  The whole point was that we'd be going to the right and canter along with another horse which should help her stay motivated when it comes to keeping her canter and hopefully going onto the right lead.  If she stuck with a left lead that was okay too as long as she was moving right.

Are we done yet?

We did this twice, and I have learned that I have a lot more learning to do when it comes to cantering her right.  Much celebration was had and because that is her weak side the remainder of the lesson was no stirrup work so that she could rest while I got to work hard.  I knew this was coming, I've heard other riders talking about how intense it's been this week.

I'm fairly certain the entire push behind doing no stirrups November at the end of the month is because my trainer just went to a George Morris clinic.  I don't enjoy no stirrups work... but I do understand its usefulness and in that sense I try to embrace it as much as possible.  I'm just having trouble with how much pain I'm in after that lesson.  There wasn't even a tremendous amount of no stirrup work.  It just goes to show how out of shape I am... and also that apparently my muscles aren't yet done with me yet.  I have been plagued with leg issues for a couple weeks and I'm finally giving in and getting some treatment.

Now Athena will have the pleasure of 2 days off because my glutes are still spasming on Thursday and I have some sales to take advantage of on Friday morning.

I just hope she's not too warm today with her blankets on.  The weather does this awesome (read: ridiculous) roller coaster in S. Alberta where it went from -20 C with wind chill to +5 C in a matter of 48 hours.  But I will be out tomorrow and she will have one of her blankets removed/changed for hopefully more than 2 days... Welcome to Alberta!

Thursday, 26 November 2015

TRM Blog Hop

Since I don't really know where to start I'll do something easy!  Answering questions!

1. Mares or Geldings? Why?
When I was searching for my first horse I was trying to be neutral about the subject.  In the end I bought a mare.  The horse I used to lease is also a mare, and I've never had any particularly bad "mare-ish" behaviour so I've never had a reason to not like them.

2. Green-broke or Fully Broke?
Is there an in-between?  Athena doesn't have everything but she has been a great horse and the things she's not great at yet are coming relatively quickly and easily.

3. Would you own a "hotter" breed (ie. Arabian, Trakhener, etc).
Arabian, no.  Thoroughbred, yes.

4. What was your "dream horse" growing up?
A gorgeous golden palomino.

5. What kind of bit(s) do you use and why?
I started with a loose ring happy mouth but Athena was a bit fussy with it and I'm not really sure if it was the bit itself she was worried about or what, so I tried a double jointed bit with copper roller and she was a bit better.  Then I picked up a Dr. Bristol and she's been going really well in that.  I also recently won an eggbutt snaffle with a western bridle and a metalab ported d-ring.  I tried the ported bit and she acted a bit like it was killing her.  So I swapped it for the eggbutt and she was happy as a pig in... mud.  I am not super knowledgeable about bits but I've been trying to tend towards gentle since I feel like the more equipment you use the more you need to use.

6. Helmets or no helmets?
Always always helmets.. unless cameras are involved and we're not running around.

7. Favorite horse color?
Bay, I've grown particularly fond of dark bay but I like the way they all look.

8. Least favorite horse color?
Chestnut, there have been a few exceptions, but they're few and far between.

9. Dressage or Jumping?
Jumping, eventually.  Athena still tries her hardest to trot over everything.  EVERYTHING.

10. How many years have you been riding?
4 years competently.  I have done other rides before that but I didn't have much clue what I was doing.  Riding lessons are always the place to start, and once you start it just doesn't end.  There will always be room for more improvements.

11. Spurs/whip or no spurs/whip?
None, I have a variety of whips at home but I haven't had the need to use a whip with Athena.  That being said I do use a lunge whip when lunging.

12. Your first fall?
Because I didn't have a lot of riding time as a child my first memorable fall would probably be 2008/09.  I was riding one of the horses at the barn I worked at and he was generally a great little guy.  It was fun that he was short so I'd just hop on bareback and wander around sometimes.  He shuffled sideways unexpectedly (note: this was before I started any riding lessons) and I landed on my backside.  Not overly injured but walking wasn't the most pleasant thing for awhile.

13. When was the last time you rode and what did you do?
Earlier today.  I set up random ground poles in the arena and just rode around circling and going over them in different patterns.  Its all part of getting her into more of a jumping mindset.

14. Most expensive piece of tack you own?
Its not much but my collegiate cc saddle.  It's my only saddle and I care for it like it was worth a lot more because of that.

15. How old were you when you started riding?
My first ride was probably around the age of 7.  

16. Leather or Nylon halters?
Leather, its so nice and padded and I like having her registered name on the cheek piece.

17. Leather or Synthetic saddles?
Leather again.  If I do ever pick up a western saddle I would consider synthetic.

 18. What "grip" of reins do you like?
I've been using cotton webbed reins.  I love them, even if I forget riding gloves I find I can still grip them with sweaty palms (ew).  I also have braided and rubber reins.  I like the rubber more than the braided due to grip-ability.

19. English or Western?

20. How many horses do you currently own/lease?
One, I don't know how people can afford to have more than that both in regards to money and time!

21. Do you board your horse? Self-care/full board? Home board?
Pasture board at a H/J facility.  I like the idea of home board but aside from the fact that my city has bylaws about keeping livestock within city limits, I also probably wouldn't have a heated barn or big indoor arena.  So even if I lived on a few acres I still would probably board.

22. Have you ever had to put down a horse that you loved?
No.  I also try to not think about it very much.

23. How many saddlepads do you have?
Considering I've only been a horse owner for 5 months... too many.  Some were purchased when I was leasing though so it's not buying a lot all at once and most of them were used so I was able to get more.

24. Slant-load trailer or straight haul?
As long as my horse fits I'm happy.  I've only hauled her in angle hauls so far just because that's how it worked out.

25. Why do you ride?
So that I don't go crazy.  Also because I can't remember a time when I didn't love horses and now having my own and enjoying riding her.  It's just that magical.